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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-02-17 16:05:47 Views : 21030 Secret Firaxian faction: Start the Faction Editor. Select "Open" and type sid. Select "Save" and save it as sid. Then, click "Add Faction". This may also be done using brian as a name. Hints If you're playing as the Pirates, nutrients and energy are easy to come by, so make mineral production a priority at your base locations. If you bump up your energy production with Tidal Harnesses, your income will easily rival that of the wealthy Morganites. In alien-vs.-human combat, sling around nerve gas as if it were going out of style. Because there are no interspecies atrocities, the discovery of High Energy Chemistry (which enables Nerve Gas Pods) is as significant as learning to build Needle Jets with Doctrine: Air Power. Because the Cybernetic Consciousness steal technologies when they conquer a base, and because they don't have any significant drawbacks when playing a military game, they should be played as aggressively as the Spartans or Believers against their weaker neighbors. Hex Cheats: Using Huge Map the energy amounts are located at the following offsets: Akizeta Faction at offset 10,672 Svensgaard Faction at offset 19,068 Doma Faction at offset 27,464 Roze Faction at offset 35,860 Cha Fawn Faction at offset 44,256 H'minee Faction at offset 52,652 Mann Faction at offset 61,048 Game Editor: Push Ctrl+k. Hit yes and then you can do what ever you want. Like: Shift+F1 gives you any unit. Shift+F2 I forget Shift+F3 Etc..... Get Firaxian Faction: Go to the Faction editor and type in sid or brian. Now 'save' it as sid and click on add faction Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire cheat codes.
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